Monday, November 28, 2016

Using #Hashtags to market your business

If you’ve been online at all within the last 5 years, then you’ve probably heard of the very popular #hashtag.

A hashtag is the numerical pound sign # followed by a word or series of words, which groups together an idea based on the subject of a social media post.

For example, if someone were to post a picture of their pet dog, the hashtags associated could be #dog or #ILoveMyDog. These hashtags are saved and tracked by social media platforms, so later a person can click on the hashtag and see all of the posts related to the topic.

So, how can your company get in on the action? By using hashtags to market your brand, of course! Check out these useful tips on how your business can use hashtags to its advantage.

Brand Hashtags

First and foremost, think of a brand hashtag for your small business to incorporate in its social media posts.Think of a brand hashtag as a signature for your company. It should be short and concise, but still reflect your image. Many businesses use their name or slogan if it’s simple and easy enough.

One thing to recognize is hashtags don’t work when combined with symbols like the -hyphen- or apostrophe’, so if these are part of your brand, think of a way to work around them in the hashtag. With brand hashtags, your users will see a clear image presented by your business, and show solidarity later on by using it in their own posts.

Campaign Hashtags

Campaign hashtags can be used alongside brand hashtags for your business’s sales and promotional campaigns. Think of something clever and easy for people to remember, so customers can post about your business by using your campaign hashtag.

Then, promote your campaign hashtag on your own social networking sites or encourage people to use it in your store to increase brand awareness and market your product or service.

Trending Hashtags

Trending hashtags are popular tags used by a lot of people within a short period of time. For example, #TheOscars would be a trending hashtag because it’s a popular topic trending among a massive populous.

Your business can use its social media to look up what hashtags are currently trending, and then get in on the action by posting to these trends.

For example, “Are you excited about #TheOscars? So are we! Stop in today to see how we can help you prepare for the event!” Using trending hashtags makes your post more likely to get views, likes, favorites and retweets, which increases its visibility and promotes your business.

Content Hashtags

Finally, the classic: content hashtags. These are hashtags your business can use which simply pertain to the physical content included in your social media posts.

For example, a clothing company many post about a new line of jewelry they just received in store: “We’re excited about all the beautiful jewelry we have in stock! Come check us out today! #jewelry #necklaces #bracelets #beautiful”.

Your business can even do research to see what content hashtags receive the most views, and then incorporate these in your posts to increase visibility. While too many hashtags on a post can seem overwhelming to some viewers, don’t be afraid to have at least a couple to give your post more variety and versatility.

When it comes to marketing for your small business, let social media do the work for you by taking advantage of hashtags to promote your product or service. Before you know it, your business will be growing and your hashtags will be #trending.

 Special Gifts

Friday, November 4, 2016

Content ideas for your next business blog

If you’re a business owner, you know how important it is to have up-to-date content throughout your website and related online networks.

Content marketing is the way of the world, and reaching out to potential clients on topics they can relate to helps build your customer base.

Whether your business already has a blog or it’s still in the works, generating content keeps it current and interesting. No matter where you are, here are content ideas for your next blog post.

1. Showcase a product/service

Take time in your business blog to showcase an important or new product or service your company is offering. Introducing your audience to the product in a non-confrontational way will invite them to take a closer look at it later on.

2. Share a customer success story

What better way to generate customers than to have other customers tell them how great your business is? Ask past customers if they would be willing to share their story on your blog and then get publishing!

3. Show inside the business

Give potential clients a look inside the company by showing them around the inner workings. Give a virtual tour, have a question and answer session or ask the President or CEO to share a more personal side of the business.

4. Interview employees

Interviewing employees about their experience with the company gives customers a look from the other side of the transaction. Ask employees what they like about the business, what they’re looking forward to or maybe even what they think can be improved upon.

5. Answer frequently asked questions

Do you have a list of frequently asked questions by customers? Answer them! Devote a blog session to going through these questions and giving thorough answers to each and every one.

6. Talk pop culture

Show that your business is current and involved by talking about today’s issues and pop culture. Can anything current relate to products or services your company supplies? How can you tie it all in together? Find out by giving it a try on your business blog.

7. Discuss future plans

What’s your business plan for the next six months? Year? Two years? You don’t have to convey too much in these types of blog posts (you don’t want your competitors knowing everything), but let your customers in on some of the future plans your company has in store for them.

8. Tell your origin story

Let customers know about you by telling your origin story as a company. When consumers see how hard you’ve worked to get where you are today, they’ll be excited about where your company is going in the future.

If your business is invested in content marketing, utilize these ideas to either jump start your current blog or start a new one.

When your blog is up-to-date and engaging, customers will be more inclined to follow, and your company will reap the benefits.