Sometimes it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day. A direct mail campaign needs to go out, and that email marketing campaign won’t write itself.
That’s not to mention the social posts you have to keep up with and the latest trends—it’s exhausting. Everybody has those days where it seems like you’re running the entire day, but there are small steps you can take to ensure every day is a little more productive.
Sometimes when you want to improve your marketing efforts, it starts from further back. Check out these productivity tips to help make sure you’re on top of your marketing game always.
Catch the Worm
It’s an old idiom that we’ve all heard (and some of us dread). If the early bird catches the worm, why does it feel so great to sleep in? If you’re likely to reach for the snooze button or even throw your alarm clock across the room, you understand the struggle.But according to Psychology Today, early risers are more likely to be happy, healthy and more productive. That means to put your best foot forward at your business, you’ll need to get plenty of shut-eye and develop a routine. Plus, waking up earlier means you eliminate some distractions.